
Read about this Righteous Christian couple who were just honored in Jerusalem at Yad Vashem for saving Jewish lives. 

During the Holocaust, if you were hiding a Jewish person, the Nazis would kill you and your whole family.


Many Righteous Christians stood in the Gap for God and the Jewish people during this horrific time.

A few weeks ago, André Reeders and Aaltje Reeders-Wittermans, a Dutch Christian couple with five children were awarded for hiding and saving Jewish people in the Holocaust - THEY RISKED THEIR LIVES!  I will tell you more about these Christian heroes at the end of this email. . .




Oscar Schlinder after the war in Israel (left) and (right) during Holocaust where he saved  many Jewish lives.



It was only 60 years ago at the end of the Holocaust, that the world was confronted with the gruesome reality of humankind’s inhumanity to each other.


Many were hopeful that an important lesson had been learned: war and racism must never happen again. 




Photo of the Auschwitz concentration camp (left). In the bottom center you see a Nazi SS soldier who has just sent the Orthodox Jewish woman with the infant (to his right) to join the other Jews who are being sent to the gas chamber and crematorium. To the right are the overcrowded boxcars which brought the Jewish people to the concentration in which many died of starvation and disease.  Photos of Crematorium-ovens (right).  (1)


The lesson was not learned!  A report just released states that in the last 12 months, anti-Semitism was at its highest level since the Holocaust where 6 million Jews (half of worldwide Jewry) were wiped out.


The Prophet Jeremiah wrote in Chapter 31: 35, 36: "Only if the sun that shines by day, and the moon and stars that shine by night vanish from the sight of the Lord, will the Jewish people cease to be a nation before the Lord."


, can you believe that in France and England alone, there were more than 2000 anti-Semetic acts last year, with a few hundred of them being violent!  Imagine around the world.


The report authored by the Coordination Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism was released prior to International Holocaust Remembrance Day, marking the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.


This is the most famous concentration in which the movie Schindler’s List was portrayed, and where the grandparents and father of Zev Isaacs, the founder of this ministry, were tortured and gassed to death.


“International Holocaust Remembrance Day,” was created by the United Nations to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust, and for UN Member Countries to develop educational programs to prevent future genocides and crimes against humanity.


Today can you please stand in the Gap for the Jewish people, Click Here 


Although the Holocaust brought out the worst in many people, it also brought out the best in others.


Many Gentile Christians risked their lives to rescue Jews during the Holocaust.


These lights in the darkness selflessly hid Jews in their homes, shared scant rations, provided visas, forged ID cards, smuggled Jew across borders, etc., instilling hope and faith in those being saved, and reminding us today that we should not be indifferent to the suffering of others.




 Left - Corrie Ten Boom's house in Amsterdam where she hid Jewish people during the Holocaust.  Right photo of Corrie.

Since 1963, Israel’s Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial Museum) has conferred its highest honour, “Righteous Among the Nations,” on non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews from the Nazis persecution.


To receive this honour, non-Jewish rescuers must be brought to Yad Vashem’s attention by rescued Jews.


A few weeks ago, André Reeders and Aaltje Reeders-Wittermans, a Dutch Christian couple with five children were posthumously awarded the Yad Vashem honour for hiding Sally and Claire Gimnicher-Hirsch for three years during the Holocaust.


This Christian family hid this Jewish couple whom they had never met before. They shared their meagre rations and risked the annihilation of their own family at the hands of the Germans.


They join the ranks of those already honoured Corrie Ten Boom (Holland), Oskar Schindler (Germany), Raoul Wallenberg (Sweden), Aristides Sousa Mendes (Portugal), Sempo Sugihara (Japan), Paul Gruninger (Switzerland), Feng-Shan Ho (China), Katarzyna Kmita (Poland), and Francis Foley (England).


Today the number of those conferred with the honour of Righteous Among the Nations is upward of 22,000 and still growing.  You can be like one of them.


By being a part of our ministry we are reaching the Jewish people by producing the Messianic Prophecy Bible.




 Commentaire 1: «vraiment,  monstrueux.. »




